Leveluk SD501



IVA esclusa


LeveLuk SD 501 Enagic's Flagship Model The industry-leading continuous ionized electrolysis water generator system, the SD501 is the finest machine in its class. With the strongest electrolysis chamber available, fully-equipped with a built-in electrolysis chamber, and featuring a large LCD panel and clear voice prompts, the SD501 is the leader of the pack. 7-Platinum-plated Titanium plates comprise the electrolysis chamber.

Capable of producing 5 types of water:

  • Kangen Water
  • Clean Water
  • Acidic (beauty) water
  • Strong Kangen water
  • Strong Acidic water

AC 120V, 60Hz (grounded) Complete with 1 High-grade filter, 1 cleaning cartidge, Electrolysis Enhancer, diverters and product literature.


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